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Books: A Short History of Fort Myers Beach by Barrett and Adelaide Brown

Books: A Short History of Fort Myers Beach by Barrett and Adelaide Brown

The Beach Bulletin, a publication started by the Barrett Browns, stood as the primary news source for Fort Myers Beach for many years. In 1965, they authored a historical account, subsequently reprinted by the EIHS in 2000. This chronicle, a condensed iteration of Rolfe Schell's comprehensive work, The History of Fort Myers Beach, guides readers through a vivid exploration of the island’s history. Starting from the early homesteaders and settlers, the book explores the development of subdivisions, the construction of roads and bridges, enduring hurricanes, the rise of tourism, the establishment of hotels, schools, churches, and the development of the local library, among other key facets. Join the Browns on an enriching journey into the past through this captivating and informative volume.

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